Friday, May 21, 2010

Day 5

At Mt. Vernon

With our bus driver, Avery.

We're sitting in the Dulles Airport waiting to board the plane. 

Today we saw:
-Mt. Vernon (George Washington's home)
-American History Museum
-Natural History Museum
-National Museum of Art
-Pentagon 9-11 Memorial

"Today, I learned that there are awesome people in our armed forces.

Today was really cool. The first place we went to was Mt. Vernon. We saw George Washington's house, farm, and his old tomb. Plus, we saw a cool movie.  After this, we went to lunch. Next we visited the American History Museum which was cool because on my last trip it was closed. Finally, we visited the Natural History Museum. The Hope diamond was pretty cool. We had a quick dinner before heading to the airport to catch our flight. See you tomorrow!" --Wesley

"Today I learned that George Washington's house was very big and he was an excellent host!" --Matt

"God is always with us and has a plan for us." --Alexa

"I learned that God led George Washington to be a great president and role model." --Cody

"Today I learned that God is everywhere with everyone." --Nathan

"Today, I learned that lots of things are a part of American History, like C-3PO." --August

"I found it encouraging that they built a 9-11 memorial, and how special it is to honor those who lost their lives." --Molly

"Today I learned about how God uses normal people to carry out his will. He inspires the hearts of his people to fulfill certain jobs." --Daniel

Day 4

Today started with a trip to the Columbia Heights neighborhood of Washington, DC, where we participated in service at a soup kitchen. Our service project was organized through the Lutheran Volunteer Corps. Half of the group (including our tour guide, Karla!) worked to prepare and serve the meal, while two of us greeted and signed in guests, two ran the shower, toiletry, and laundry station, and two organized the supply closet and brought necessary items to the main serving room.

After lunch, we visited:

o   The Newseum

o   Smithsonian Air and Space Museum

o   FDR Memorial

o   Played Charades on the Tidal Basin

o   Jefferson Memorial

“Today, we woke up at 6 a.m. and ate breakfast at 7.   After that, we served breakfast at Thrive D.C.  When we got there, August and I prepped the food for cooking and served it also.  When all the food was gone, we went to Union Station to eat lunch.  After that, we went to the Newseum to learn about news and how it happens.  After we visited the Newseum, we went to the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum where we learned about achievements in aviation and space technology.  When we were finished, we went to Sizzling Express for dinner.  After we ate, we went to the FDR and Jefferson Memorials.  It was another fun and educational day in D.C.”  --Daniel 

“Today I witnessed how God is working through normal people, like in a homeless shelter.”  --Nathan

“Today I found it encouraging that I had the opportunity to serve the homeless.  The one meal that they get in a day we were able to serve to them.”  --Molly

“God loves everyone the same, and even the homeless and richest.  God was with ever space travelers, explorers and every person from creation.  He loves us all very much.”  --Alexa

“Today I learned about the FDR memorial:  the water through every outdoor room represents FDR and his feelings and what was going on when he was in office.  I learned that Jefferson was great at many things and he pursued all of them.”  --Cody

“Today I learned that FDR served for 4 terms, many girls like Justin Bieber and that Thomas Jefferson was a good leader.”  --August

“Today I learned that God can send help to you in many different ways.”  --Wesley

“Today I learned that God inspired many things in our history, for example our constitution mentions how we need God.  I was inspired today when we served at Thrive DC, it made me feel warm and fuzzy inside.”  --Matt

The serving line at the soup kitchen, Thrive DC.

Learning to sweep during clean up.

Sporting our cool, 4-D glasses for the movie at the Newseum.

Enjoying the weather outside the Air and Space museum.

This is our bus. It is pretty cool!

In the bread line at the FDR Memorial.

With the 19 foot tall statue of FDR.

A beautiful evening on the tidal basin.

Thomas Jefferson

Reading one of Jefferson's famous writings.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Day 3

We started today with some overcast skies, but made it through the day with only sprinkles. The students seem to be catching up to the time change, and have more energy as we start and finish the days.


Today we visited:


-Air Force Memorial (and overlook to the Pentagon)

-Arlington Cemetery (including Kennedy gravesites, Lee’s home, Challenger Memorial, Audie Murphy’s grave, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, and Joe Lewis’ grave)

-Iwo Jima Memorial

-Lunch with 3 federal air marshals

-American Holocaust Memorial Museum

-Washington Monument

-National Zoo (panda visit)

-National Cathedral (tour and evening prayer song service)


As we write this, we are poolside, as the students enjoy their first “early” return to the hotel during the trip—8:30pm!


“We saw the Air Force memorial today, where there are three steep poles in the air to signify the take off.  We also went to Arlington National Cemetery. We saw many different graves, like Audie Murphy. Even though he is the most decorated soldier, his grave stone looks the same as the lowest person. Every grave stone looks the same, except for those from the 1800s, because that law wasn’t instated then. We also so the tomb of the Unknown Soldier, where we witnessed the changing of the guard. They were very precise with their movements. We saw the Challenger memorial, where Matthew and I hung a wreath and read our prayers. The Kennedy Memorial was also cool because four of them were buried there and the eternal flame was cool, too. --Alexa

“This afternoon, our group got to talk to some federal air marshals. They were really cool. I asked him about firing a gun in a plane. He said there are compressors in the back of the plane that would change the air pressure back.  Next, we went to the Holocaust Museum. Inside, we saw ‘Daniel’s Story’. It told the life of Daniel, a Jewish boy, and the problems he faced. We then walked to the Washington Monument. It is 555 feet, 5 and 1/8 inches tall. We rode all the way up. Next we went to the National Zoo. We got to see live pandas! They were really cool.”  --August

 “Today I learned that our national church is pretty and cool.” --Wesley

“Today I learned that our country respects all our troops.”  --Matt

“I found it very encouraging and inspiring when we saw the tomb of the unknown soldier today.” –Molly

“Today I learned that our country has helped many people in need during their hard times.”  --Daniel

“Today I learned about federal air marshals. I want to be one.”  --Cody

Air Force Memorial

Our tour guide, Ms. Karla, talking with the students about the lives given by those buried at Arlington.

The ALS Wreath at the Challenger Memorial

ALS 8th grade class at Iwo Jima Memorial

August flashes the Federal Air Marshal badge!

The students ask questions of three federal air marshals.

At the Washington Monument.

Inside the National Cathedral for Evening Prayer Song Service

Outside the National Cathedral

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Day 2

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Today included a rainy morning, but the students were excited to start the day. We saw...

  • Bureau of Printing and Engraving (where they make paper money)
  • National Archives
  • Supreme Court
  • Library of Congress
  • The Capitol
  • Play at the Kennedy Center


We closed the day, as we always do, with devotions and a discussion of the ways in which our leaders must make important decisions and use discernment and critical thinking skills to examine their own perspectives as they make decisions that impact the country and world.

“This morning we visited many interesting sites.  My favorite was the Bureau of  Printing and Engraving.  It was interesting because we could see all the steps in making money.  I am glad we got to go.  We also got to go to the National Archives where we saw the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, as well as other important documents [Bill of Rights, Magna Carta, Louisiana Purchase, 19th Amendment].  This was my second favorite.  P.S. I love you mom…and dad.”  --Nathan

“This afternoon we visited the supreme court.  We also went to the Library of Congress where there were a lot of books and things to see.  There were many rare books including the Gutenberg Bible.  We also visited the Capital and met with Congressman Sherman (from California) and got a picture with him.  He stood next to me.  We went up to the Gallery to watch the House of Representatives debate a new law.  We saw the play “Sheer Madness” with Avery (the bus driver) which was funny.  At the end of the day we all had a good time and great food.  P.S. Avery is an awesome Bus driver, also hi to Mrs. Beck and mom and dad.”  --Matt

“What inspired and encouraged me today was that you can internship at the House of Representatives and that each Representative has at least three people in his “cabinet” and found it interesting that George Washington was supposed to be buried at the Capital.”  --Alexa

“I learned that the Representatives and Senators meet underground.  I also got to see them in session.” --August

“I learned that God does amazing things in our country.”  --Molly

“Today I learned that God works through all of our leaders.  He gives them wisdom and discernment, says Pastor Larry of Ascension Lutheran Church.”  --Daniel

“God’s images are present everywhere.  God is everywhere.  God is COOL.”  --Wesley

“God worlds through our political leaders to bring the United States closer to God. I was inspired to pursue you passions (by Robert, a staff member of a California Congressman).”  --Cody

Some moments from the day...

Our Ride

The National Archives 

Supreme Court

Supreme Court 

Picture with Congressman Sherman (CA)

Meeting with a Senior Legislative Analyst to a California Congressman

The Capital

Hall of States, The Kennedy Center

Day 1

After a few technical difficulties getting to the internet, here is the Day 1 blog. We've included comments from each student, as well a blog from two students who were assigned the day.

Day 1 Activities:
-Meet tour guide, Ms. Karla, and bus driver, Mr. Avery at Dulles Airport
-The Lincoln Memorial
-International Spy Museum
-Ford's Theater and the Peterson House
-The White House (exterior and visitor center)
-Church of the Presidents
-WWII Memorial
-Korean War Memorial
-Vietnam War Memorial

Monday, May 17, 2010

“Today was fun.  The flight was very fun, we all sat close together and I enjoyed my first flight and was very excited when we landed.  We made our way to the Lincoln Memorial where we learned about God’s influence on the people of Washington DC.  We were shuttled by our cool shuttle-guy Avery.  He shuttled us to the Spy Museum.  We learned about the history of spying and how it influenced our history.  Today was a great day and I can’t wait until tomorrow.”  --Cody

“Today we went to three memorials.  Our class got to see the World War II , Korean, and Vietnam memorials.  The World War II Memorial (in my opinion) was the prettiest.  I really enjoyed all the symbolism throughout the memorial.  Next we went to the Korean memorial that was smaller but very powerful.  It was really moving because the statues were men only 19 years old.  The most moving memorial for me was the Vietnam veterans memorial.”  --Molly

“Today I learned that Pierre L’Enfant designed Washington DC”  --Nathan

“Today I learned that God has a destiny in mind not only for us but our country.” --Wesley

“Today I learned how we should thank an honor everyone who fought for our country and freedom.”  --Matt

“God is the almighty, sovereign one.  He has not only a plan for each and everyone of us, but for our government and the world.” –Alexa

“Today I learned that some of the most influential memorials have not been supported by all citizens.  In the Vietnam war, some veterans were treated poorly on their return.”  --Daniel

“I learned that freedom is not free, but it comes at the price of the lives of many soldiers.”  --August

On the steps of the Lincoln Memorial

In Ford's Theater
Outside the White House

At the WWII Memorial, with the 4,000 stars, representing the 400,000 Americans lost in the war

At the WWII Memorial

Finding a name on the Vietnam Wall

Monday, May 3, 2010

Blog Launch!

Dear family and friends of ALS,

We're excited to depart soon for the 8th grade trip to Washington, DC. We hope you will follow us as the students blog about their experiences. We plan to upload photos and share about the places we see each evening.

You can also "follow" this blog, and get email alerts when new posts are added.

Look for more, starting May 17!