Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Day 3

We started today with some overcast skies, but made it through the day with only sprinkles. The students seem to be catching up to the time change, and have more energy as we start and finish the days.


Today we visited:


-Air Force Memorial (and overlook to the Pentagon)

-Arlington Cemetery (including Kennedy gravesites, Lee’s home, Challenger Memorial, Audie Murphy’s grave, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, and Joe Lewis’ grave)

-Iwo Jima Memorial

-Lunch with 3 federal air marshals

-American Holocaust Memorial Museum

-Washington Monument

-National Zoo (panda visit)

-National Cathedral (tour and evening prayer song service)


As we write this, we are poolside, as the students enjoy their first “early” return to the hotel during the trip—8:30pm!


“We saw the Air Force memorial today, where there are three steep poles in the air to signify the take off.  We also went to Arlington National Cemetery. We saw many different graves, like Audie Murphy. Even though he is the most decorated soldier, his grave stone looks the same as the lowest person. Every grave stone looks the same, except for those from the 1800s, because that law wasn’t instated then. We also so the tomb of the Unknown Soldier, where we witnessed the changing of the guard. They were very precise with their movements. We saw the Challenger memorial, where Matthew and I hung a wreath and read our prayers. The Kennedy Memorial was also cool because four of them were buried there and the eternal flame was cool, too. --Alexa

“This afternoon, our group got to talk to some federal air marshals. They were really cool. I asked him about firing a gun in a plane. He said there are compressors in the back of the plane that would change the air pressure back.  Next, we went to the Holocaust Museum. Inside, we saw ‘Daniel’s Story’. It told the life of Daniel, a Jewish boy, and the problems he faced. We then walked to the Washington Monument. It is 555 feet, 5 and 1/8 inches tall. We rode all the way up. Next we went to the National Zoo. We got to see live pandas! They were really cool.”  --August

 “Today I learned that our national church is pretty and cool.” --Wesley

“Today I learned that our country respects all our troops.”  --Matt

“I found it very encouraging and inspiring when we saw the tomb of the unknown soldier today.” –Molly

“Today I learned that our country has helped many people in need during their hard times.”  --Daniel

“Today I learned about federal air marshals. I want to be one.”  --Cody

Air Force Memorial

Our tour guide, Ms. Karla, talking with the students about the lives given by those buried at Arlington.

The ALS Wreath at the Challenger Memorial

ALS 8th grade class at Iwo Jima Memorial

August flashes the Federal Air Marshal badge!

The students ask questions of three federal air marshals.

At the Washington Monument.

Inside the National Cathedral for Evening Prayer Song Service

Outside the National Cathedral

1 comment:

  1. What an amazing day! I'm glad you got to see Audie Murphy's grave at Arlington and the National Cathedral, as well as all the other things you were able to do. The pictures you've posted are great!
