Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Day 2

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Today included a rainy morning, but the students were excited to start the day. We saw...

  • Bureau of Printing and Engraving (where they make paper money)
  • National Archives
  • Supreme Court
  • Library of Congress
  • The Capitol
  • Play at the Kennedy Center


We closed the day, as we always do, with devotions and a discussion of the ways in which our leaders must make important decisions and use discernment and critical thinking skills to examine their own perspectives as they make decisions that impact the country and world.

“This morning we visited many interesting sites.  My favorite was the Bureau of  Printing and Engraving.  It was interesting because we could see all the steps in making money.  I am glad we got to go.  We also got to go to the National Archives where we saw the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, as well as other important documents [Bill of Rights, Magna Carta, Louisiana Purchase, 19th Amendment].  This was my second favorite.  P.S. I love you mom…and dad.”  --Nathan

“This afternoon we visited the supreme court.  We also went to the Library of Congress where there were a lot of books and things to see.  There were many rare books including the Gutenberg Bible.  We also visited the Capital and met with Congressman Sherman (from California) and got a picture with him.  He stood next to me.  We went up to the Gallery to watch the House of Representatives debate a new law.  We saw the play “Sheer Madness” with Avery (the bus driver) which was funny.  At the end of the day we all had a good time and great food.  P.S. Avery is an awesome Bus driver, also hi to Mrs. Beck and mom and dad.”  --Matt

“What inspired and encouraged me today was that you can internship at the House of Representatives and that each Representative has at least three people in his “cabinet” and found it interesting that George Washington was supposed to be buried at the Capital.”  --Alexa

“I learned that the Representatives and Senators meet underground.  I also got to see them in session.” --August

“I learned that God does amazing things in our country.”  --Molly

“Today I learned that God works through all of our leaders.  He gives them wisdom and discernment, says Pastor Larry of Ascension Lutheran Church.”  --Daniel

“God’s images are present everywhere.  God is everywhere.  God is COOL.”  --Wesley

“God worlds through our political leaders to bring the United States closer to God. I was inspired to pursue you passions (by Robert, a staff member of a California Congressman).”  --Cody

Some moments from the day...

Our Ride

The National Archives 

Supreme Court

Supreme Court 

Picture with Congressman Sherman (CA)

Meeting with a Senior Legislative Analyst to a California Congressman

The Capital

Hall of States, The Kennedy Center


  1. We are enjoying the blog. It is great to see what you are doing and to hear some of the wonderful things you are experiencing. God bless and keep you all.

    Mrs. Martinez (a.k.a. Wesley's mom)

  2. Sounds like another great day! We prayed for you all in devotions and at chapel today.
